Nursing Network




Nursing Network is a social network, specially developed so that it encourages a unique information distribution environment, digitalized and efficient in order to increase the professionalism of the members, as well as for the development of practical skills, but also of the theoretical knowledge necessary to increase the level of quality of care given to patients.Having the functional structure of a social network, NursingNetwork allows the creation of groups, advanced search functions, notifications through the specific application (Google Play or IOs as well as the web interface - WHOM ARE WE ADDRESSINGNursingNetwork social network is aimed at students and graduates of nursing schools who work as general nurses, midwives or nurses of various specialties or who are looking for employment opportunities, all of whom are interested in developing the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to grow the level of quality of care provided to patients.NursingNetwork social network aims to bring together in the same digital environment people who are passionate about patient care, the platform giving them access to:• information regarding the exercise of the profession in an authorized manner,• information on scientific events of interest to continuing medical education,• chat interaction between network members• professional opportunities• information and news about new or already used sanitary products and materials in patient care practice,• supporting information for ensuring personal protection in the exercise of the profession• scientific articles,• virtual library